I've got a routine since a looong time now:
The very first thing I want to hear every morning (appart my cat purring) is an Ateez song.
So every morning, I connect my headphones, pump up the volume, shuffle my playlist "Ateez only" and make my morning coffee while singing.
Because it's my way to motivate myself to get up, to smile, to do things, to work, even if I don't want to, even if I'm tired.
This way, it seems like Ateez whispers to my ear:
"You can do it! If we can do it, if we can work even if we are exhausted, so do you.
Don't give up your dreams. Remember that you are limitless. You're not alone so take my hand, choose your daily activity and let's go. We are on your side and we will always be"
This morning the shuffle song was Diamond.
What's your routine with Ateez?