May the 4th, 2022:
I joined Skler at the Rennes train station where we will take the 8am train to Paris.
The excitement starts to rise for both of us: in 13 hours, the boys will be on stage.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to see them, that I’m going to sing with them until I break my vocal chords.
We sit down together to have coffee while waiting for the departure time and of course, we talk about Ateez.
It's a total discovery for Skler: first concert at Bercy Arena, first concert in a general pit, first concert of the band she loves.
The closer the train gets to Paris, the more excitement rises. Even if we know that a long waiting hours are looming, nothing can tarnish the joy we feel. In addition, weather is very nice and not too hot.
The train finally arrives at the Paris train station, we go for a metro ride and we arrive in the pit queue around 10:30 am. It starts at 9:00 pm. We’re pretty well placed, about halfway through the pit.
We sit on the floor next to our two suitcases.
Quickly, we meet with the Atinys in front and behind us. We laugh a lot, we talked about our favorite songs, our concert experiences, our Bias.
Some people pass along the line by distributing freebies (free small gifts). We are very happy to receive it, a little memory.
All is joy around us and time passes rather quickly.
Around noon, Ilma joined us. We finally met irl. Skler thanked her again for the concert ticket she offered and gives her the small gift she made for her. I also give her handmade keyring.
At 1pm, I left the queue with Ilma in the direction of the hotel where the three of us are staying, for making the check-in and drop off our luggage. Skler stays in line to keep our places.
It takes a good half-hour walk to get there, and weather’s hot. Also, I have all the baggages that still weighs heavily.
Finally arrived, I went upstairs to freshen up in our room while Ilma and her friends were getting ready.
It’s 3:30pm when she told me they’re ready and here we are again making the reverse path.
Upon arriving, the line considerably increased and Skler had to move forward. This is great news as it brings us closer to the stage.
Karine and Nini have arrived and we finally meet irl. Again, I give the key chains to the girls, delighted.
We laugh, we chat, we were simply happy and the time finally passes very quickly.
The door opens at 6:30 pm and it's with no surprise that the line begins to tighten and move forward. No more sitting, it’s time to stand. It’s 6:30pm.
Again, we’re talking to our new neighbours. It’s a really good-natured atmosphere. Carried by the multitude, the excitement rises again a notch because the time of the opening of the doors has arrived.
We go two by two between the barriers with Skler and Nini because Ilma and Karine are in the stands, so enter through another access.
Bags control, security check, we walk towards the entrance. Check tickets, we received the poster of the tour. Nice!
And we finally walk through the doors...